#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { long float interest, prince, rate, amt; int time, temp, r; char choice; do { clrscr (); cout<<"PLEASE ENTER THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT : "; cin>>prince; cout<<"\nENTER THE RATE OF INTEREST : "; cin>>rate; cout<<"\nENTER THE TIME : "; cin>>time; amt=prince; cout<<"\n\tTIME\tSIMPLE INTEREST\tAMOUNT"; for(r=8, temp=0,interest=0;temp<=time;temp++, r++) { cout<<"\n\t"<<temp<<"\t"<<interest; gotoxy(33,r); cout<<amt; interest=(amt*rate)/100; amt=amt+interest; } cout<<"\n\tClosing"<<"\t"<<interest; cout<<amt; cout<<"\n\nTHUS, THE FINAL AMOUNT IS : "<<amt; cout<<"\n\nREPEAT? (y/n) : "; cin>>choice; if(choice=='n'||choice=='N') cout<<"\nTHANK YOU"; getch(); }while(choice=='y'|...
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