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Disk scheduling algorithm java code

 The first step is to create a CSCAN class

public class CSCAN {

    public int m=0; //used to store the initial position of the head

     public boolean Run=true;

     public int sum=0;

     public void Check(int a[],int n,int position){

         int temp;

         for (int i = n; i> 0; i--)

         {    // Bubble Sort

              for (int j = 0; j <i; j++){

    if (a[j]> a[j + 1]) {// Compare the sizes in order

         temp = a[j]; // put the big number in front

         a[j] = a[j + 1];

         a[j + 1] = temp;




         while (Run)


             for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++){

                 if (a[i] == position){ m=i;





         System.out.println("CSCAN algorithm sequence:");

         for(int i=m+1;i<=n;i++)

         {//The head moves to the large


     System.out.print(a[i]+" ");





     for(int i=0;i<=m-1;i++){




         System.out.print(a[i]+" ");



     System.out.println("Seek length is "+sum);

     System.out.println("The average seek length is "+sum/n);}


The second step is to create a DiskManage class

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DiskManage {

    public static void main (String [] args){

        int a[]=new int[20];

        int n=0;

        int m=0;

        double sum=0;

        double temp=0;

        int position=0;

        SSTF sstf=new SSTF();

        SCAN scan = new SCAN();

        CSCAN cscan = new CSCAN();

        System.out.println("Please enter the number of disk requests:");


        Scanner reader=new Scanner(; n=reader.nextInt();}

        catch(Exception e){}

        System.out.println("Please enter the disk request sequence:");

        Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {try{


            catch(Exception e){}}

        System.out.print("Please enter the initial position of the magnetic head:");

       // try{

            Scanner re = new Scanner(;

            a[0]=re.nextInt(); position=a[0]; //}

    // catch(for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){Exception e){}

     // System.out.print(a[i] + "");}

      System.out.println("******************************************* **********************");

        System.out.println("Hint: The sequence range of the head is 1~200! The head seeks from small to large!");

        System.out.println("Please enter the corresponding selection operation::");

        System.out.println("1, first come, first served algorithm (FCFS)");

        System.out.println("2, the shortest seek time priority algorithm (SSTF)");

        System.out.println("3, scanning algorithm (SCAN)");

        System.out.println("4, cyclic scanning algorithm (CSCAN)");

        Scanner read = new Scanner(;

        try{ m=read.nextInt();}

        catch(Exception e){}

        System.out.println("The value of m" + m);


        switch (m) {

   case 1: sum=0;

   System.out.println("FCFS algorithm sequence:");

   for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){

       System.out.print(a[i] + "");

       temp = a[i]-a[i-1];

       if (temp >= 0);

       else if (temp <0) {temp=-temp;}

       sum=sum+temp;} System.out.println();

   System.out.println("The value of sum" + sum);

   System.out.println("The average found length is" + sum / n);break;

   case 2: sstf.Calculate(a, n, position); break;

   case 3: scan.Check(a, n, position); break;

   case 4: cscan.Check(a, n, position); break;}



The third step is to create a SCAN class

public class SCAN {

    public int m=0; //used to store the initial position of the head

     public boolean Run=true;

     public int sum=0;

     public void Check(int a[],int n,int position){

         int temp; for (int i = n; i> 0; i--) // bubble sort

              {for (int j = 0; j <i; j++){

                  if (a[j]> a[j + 1]) // compare the sizes in order

                    {temp = a[j]; // put the big number in front

                         a[j] = a[j + 1];

                         a[j + 1] = temp;}}}

                         while (Run) {//This loop is used to find where the initial position of the head is arranged

                              for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)

                              {if (a[i] == position) {

                                  m = i;

                                  Run = false;




                         System.out.println("SCAN algorithm sequence:");

                         for(int i=m+1;i<=n;i++){//The head moves to the large


            System.out.print(a[i]+" ");




            for(int i=m-1;i>=0;i--)




                System.out.print(a[i]+" ");



            System.out.println("The length found is "+sum);

            System.out.println("The average found length is "+sum/n);



The fourth step is to create an SSTF class

public class SSTF {

    public int m; // The index used to determine the initial position of the head after sorting

     public int b[]; public int rflag = 0, lflag = 0;

     public double SUM=0; public int mleft, mright;

     public SSTF(){ b=new int[20];}

     public void Calculate(int a[], int n, int position)


         int temp;

         for (int i = n; i> 0; i--) // bubble sort


                   for (int j = 0; j <i; j++)


       if (a[j]> a[j + 1]) // compare the sizes in order

              {temp = a[j]; // put the big number in front

                         a[j] = a[j + 1];

                         a[j + 1] = temp;}



                         if (a[n] == position) {//If the initial position of the head is at the maximum number

                               System.out.println("SSTF sequence is:");

                               for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)

                               {System.out.print(a[i] + "");



                         else if (a[0] == position)

                         {System.out.println("SSTF sequence is:");

                         for (int i = n; i >= 0; i--)

                         {System.out.print(a[i] + "");



                         else {

                             System.out.println("SSTF sequence is:");

                         Check(a, n, position);



                  public void Check(int a[], int n, int position)


                      boolean Run = true, Running = true;

                  while (Run) {//This loop is used to find where the initial position of the head is arranged

                       for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++){

                           if (a[i] == position)


                               m = i;

                           System.out.println("The value of m" + m);

                           mleft = m-1;

                           mright = m + 1;

                           Run = false;




                  while (Running){

                      if (a[m]-a[mleft] >= a[mright]-a[m] && rflag != 1)


                          SUM=SUM+(a[mright]-a[m]); //Used to count the length of the search



               if (mright> n){

                   rflag = 1;


               System.out.print(a[m] + "");


                      else if (a[m]-a[mleft] <a[mright]-a[m] && lflag != 1)


                      m = mleft;


                      if (mleft <0){

                          lflag = 1;


                      System.out.print(a[m] + "");


                      if (mleft != 0 && mright> n){

                          Running = false;


                      for (int j = mleft; j >= 0; j--) {



                System.out.print(a[j] + "");



                      if (mright != n && mleft <0)


                          Running = false;


                      for (int k = mright; k <= n; k++)





                      System.out.print(a[k] + "");





                  System.out.println("The value of sum"+SUM);

                  System.out.println("The average search length is "+SUM/n);}



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