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3 new Java frameworks and tools for 2021-2022

Most Java frameworks are designed for long-running processes with dynamic behaviors, which are used to run variable application servers, such as physical servers and virtual machines. Since the release of Kubernetes containers in 2014, the situation has changed. The biggest problem with using Java applications on Kubernetes is optimizing application performance by reducing memory footprint, speeding up startup and response time, and reducing file size.

Java developers are also always looking for easier ways to integrate shiny new open source tools and projects into their Java applications and daily work. This greatly improves development efficiency and encourages more companies and individual developers to continue to use the Java stack. Today, the editor of the Java training organization will come to tell you about 3 new Java frameworks and tools.


Quarkus aims to develop cloud-native microservices and no-services in container orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes with amazingly fast startup time, ultra-low resident memory set (RSS), and high-density memory utilization. According to JRebel’s 9th Annual Global Java Developer Productivity Report, the usage rate of Quarkus by Java developers rose from less than 1% to 6%, while Micronaut and Vert.x both increased from about 1% last year to 4% and 4% respectively. 2%.


EclipseJKube enables Java developers to use Docker, Jib, or Source-To-Image build strategies to build container images based on cloud-native Java applications. It can also generate Kubernetes and OpenShift lists at compile-time, and improve the developer's experience with debugging, observation, and logging tools.


MicroProfile solves the biggest problems related to optimizing the microservice architecture of enterprise Java without the need to adopt a new framework or refactor the entire application. In addition, MicroProfile specifications (ie Health, OpenTracing, OpenAPI, FaultTolerance, Metrics, Config) continue to be consistent with the implementation of JakartaEE.

It is difficult to say which Java framework or tool is the best choice for enterprise Java developers. As long as the Java stack has room for improvement and can accelerate the development of enterprise business, we can look forward to the emergence of new frameworks, tools, and platforms, such as the three above. Take a moment to see if they can improve your enterprise Java applications in 2021- 2022.


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